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Census 1916 Alex Mattice and Lena Mattice with Familly
His Mother was living with them
Name: David Matties
Gender: Male
Racial or Tribal Origin: English
Nationality: Canadian
Age: 0
Marital Status: Single
Birth Year: 1916
Birth Place: Man
Home in 1916: Souris, Manitoba, Canada
Address: 3, 27, W1, Arthur
Relation to Head of Household: Son
Father: Alex Matties
Mother: Lena Matties
Sub-district: 17
Sub District Description: (A & B) Townships 3 and 4, ranges 26 and 27, W.P.M., including the Town of Melita
Enumerator's Name: J A Ketcheson
Dwelling House: 117
Religion: Methodist
Can Speak English: Yes
Can Speak French: No
Mother Tongue: English
Can Read: No
Can Write: No
Occupation: None
Household Members:
Name Age
Alex Matties 38
Lena Matties 40
John Matties 3
David Matties 0 - 6 weeks old
Hellen Matties 9
John Nyshkowski 18
Propriétaire de l'original | Charles Bujold |
Date | Charles Bujold |
Nom de fichier | 1916CensusNicMatticeFamilly.jpg |
Taille du fichier | 1.93m |
Dimensions | 5259 x 3984 |
Lié à | Famille: Mattice (Mattis)/Munshaw (F874) |
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