Famille: John William MCPHERSON / Charlotte Jane WARD

mar. 1 déc 1859


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Census 1861 Welford Kent New Brunswick. #6 on the page
John William MACPHERSON (22 years old) / Charlotte Jane WARD ( 20 years Old) and Family
John is a farmer and Scotish from Cape Breton, his religion is Baptist Charlotte is a native of Canada and her religion is Presbyterian
William is 1 year old and Thomas is 4 Months old.

Propriétaire de l'originalCharles Bujold
DateCharles Bujold
Nom de fichier1861 Census Welford - Macpherson.jpg
Taille du fichier1.7m
Dimensions5071 x 4132
Lié àFamille: McPherson/Ward (F1150)

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