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Rockland New Brunswick
Located on W side of the Memramcook River, 2.26 km SW of Upper Dorchester and 2.26 km SE of Cormier Cove, on the road to Rockland: Dorchester Parish, Westmorland County: PO 1853-1927 with Charles Taylor as first postmaster: in 1866 Taylor Village was a farming community with 25 resident families including the families of Alfred Taylor, Charles Taylor, David Taylor, George Taylor, George M. Taylor, James A. Taylor and Jonas Taylor: in 1871 it had a population of 100: in 1898 Taylor Village had 1 post office, 1 store, 1 church and a population of about 200: included the settlement of Rockland.
Propriétaire de l'original | Archives New Brunswick |
Date | 1871 |
Nom de fichier | RocklandMap.png |
Taille du fichier | 1.43m |
Dimensions | 779 x 861 |
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