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New York City Passenger List
Name Emily Glasson
Arrival Date 29 May 1880
Birth Date abt 1867
Age 13
Gender Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality English
Place of Origin England
Port of Departure Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland
Destination United States of America
Port of Arrival New York, New York
Ship Name City of Brussels
Search Ship Database City of Brussels
Emily Glasson - May 1880 - New York, New York Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland - Female - City of Brussels
Propriétaire de l'original | Charles Bujold |
Date | Charles Bujold |
Nom de fichier | 1880arrivesNYcityEmilyGlasson.jpg |
Taille du fichier | 299.56k |
Dimensions | 1136 x 1664 |
Lié à | Emily GLASSON |
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