Pierres tombales

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Pierre tombale
Alex Bigeaux 1885-1951
Thalerise Paul 1886-19XX
Roméo Bigeaux 1812-1939
Leo Desjardins 1915-1994
Jeannette Bigeaux 1920- XXXX

Lot: Section D5

Propriétaire de l'originalCollection Charles Bujold
Lieu455 Montréal Rd, Ottawa, ON K1K 0V2
Nom de fichierTombeAlexandre_bigeaux.jpg
Taille du fichier159.25k
Dimensions620 x 900
Lié àFamille: LeBlanc/Bujeault (Bujold) (F6144); Jeannette BIGEAUX ( BUJOLD); Romeo BIGEAUX ( BUJOLD)

Notre Dame, Ottawa, Carleton, Ontario, Canada

Notes: Notre Dame Cemetery, is a Catholic cemetery in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Opened in 1872, it is the most prominent Catholic cemetery in Ottawa. The cemetery's western edge is located in Vanier, just south of Beechwood Cemetery. Its eastern limit is St. Laurent Boulevard.

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