Nom |
Joseph Alexandre dit Bel Homme LANDRY |
Naissance |
vers 1747 |
Grand Pré NS |
Genre |
Masculin |
Décès |
10 oct 1814 |
Ascension, LA |
Inhumation |
11 oct 1814 |
Donaldsonville, Ascension, LA |
- Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records ("DOBR"), 1707-1900 (Diocese of Baton Rouge Archives: Baton Rouge, La., 1978-2007), vol. 3, p. 494;
LANDRY, Josef, Commandant of Ascension, nat. Acadia, spouse of Ana Bujol, bur. 11 Oct. 1814 (ASC-4,118)
Notes |
- Listed among the Acadians who were in New Orleans in 1767. "Volunteered" for duty in the district militia, February 12, 1770.
Identified in the August 1, 1770, census of the right bank of Ascension Parish as a seventeen-year-old member of his widowed mother's household.
Identified as Joseph Landry, le jeune, in the December 3, 1775, slave census of Ascension Parish. In a slave census he compiled on December 3, 1775, Commandant Louis Judice noted that he owned two slaves.
The April 15, 1777, census of the Ascension Parish settlers established above Bayou Lafourche indicates that he was the twenty-four-year-old head of a household that included the following persons: Isabelle (Elizabeth) LeBlanc, his wife, 24 years old; Louis Landry, his son, 1 year old; and the Veuve Landry, his mother, 66 years old.
Joseph Landry dit Belhomme and his family owned a tract of land with six arpents frontage on the Mississippi River. They also owned four slaves, thirty cows, two horses, eight sheep, twenty hogs, and two muskets.
On July 27, 1777, at a meeting of all district settlers to discuss the merits of a proposal presented to the governor by ranchers in other districts to allow cattle to range freely throughout the year, he joined fifty-three other Lafourche de Chetimachas landowners in signing a petition expressing his opposition to the recommendation "made by people too lazy to make pens big enough to provide pasturage for their herds."
He appears to have been one of only six Ascension Parish Acadians who committed themselves to grow tobacco as part of the Spanish government's effort to encourage Louisiana farmers to produce marketable staple crops, April 23, 1777.
On April 25, 1778, the estate of his late wife, Isabelle leBlanc, was inventoried and appraised. The probate inventory indicates that she and Joseph Landry owned a tract of land with six arpents frontage on the Mississippi River. Improvements on the property included a house measuring twenty by sixteen feet. Ancillary buildings included a small shed and two slave cabins. The estate was valued at 350 piastres.
Appointed sergeant first-class in the district militia, September 1, 1779.
Appointed sublieutenant in the district militia unit, February 12, 1792, one day after was nominated by Commandant Louis Judice for appointment as sublieutenant in the local militia unit, February 13, 1785.
Identified as acting sublieutenant in the Cabannocé District militia, July 10, 1785.
On June 16, 1786, he served on a local military tribunal investigating the arrest of Church Warden Pierre Landry dit Pitre by Ascension Parish militiamen.
The governor appointed him sindic for Ascension Parish, October 2, 1792.
On March 18, 1793, Isaac LeBlanc, Bonaventure Babin, Joseph Landry, and Paul Breau wrote to Governor Carondelet, informing him that a vacant parcel of land with twelve arpents frontage along the Mississippi River had no levees. As a consequence, their farms were inundated every year. These destructive floods were forcing the local settlers to abandon the farms they had cultivated since 1767. The petitioners consequently requested a 4,000 piastre subsidy from the royal treasury to subsidize the necessary levee construction. LeBlanc, Babin, Landry, and Breau promised to repay the 4,000 piastres in six years.
Promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in the district militia, March 29, 1796. His military dossier, compiled on December 31, 1800, indicates that he enjoyed robust health and that he was married.
He had served in the Lafourche District militia for twenty-two years and in the German Coast Disciplined Provincial Militia for eight years, ten months, and nineteen days. His superiors noted that he had "supposed valor; good application [to duty] and [good] conduct; [and] average capacity."
Served as interim commandant of the Lafourche District during the absences of M. Croquer in the early 1800's.
John Watkins, sent to Louisiana in 1803 at a representative of the American government, penned the following description of Landry, "who had always acted as Commandant per interim during the absence of Mr. Croquer": "This gentleman altho born in Acadia has resided many years in Louisiana, speaks the English and French langauges [and] professes strong attachment to the government of the United States."
Served as commandant of Acadia County, La., 1803-May 20, 1805.
Served as justice of the peace in Acadia County, 1805-1806.
Elected to the Louisiana legislative council, 1806. Subsequently resigned his post.
Elected to the Louisiana senate,1812. Later resigned.
ID personne |
I491 |
Bugeauld/Bujold |
Dernière modif. |
5 août 2023 |
Père |
Joseph LANDRY, n. vers 1701, Acadie d. avant 1768 (Âgé de 67 ans) |
Relation |
géniteur / génitrice |
Mère |
Marie Josephe BOURG (BOURQUE), n. 16 juin 1711, Grand Pré NS d. sept 1792, Ascension, LA (Âgé de 81 ans) |
Relation |
géniteur / génitrice |
Mariage |
11 jan 1745 |
Oxford, MD |
- Gregory A. Wood, A GUIDE TO THE ACADIANS IN MARYLAND IN THE EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURIES; 1755-1899; Baltimore, Gateway Press, 1995; p. 146
In 1763 she and [2nd] husband Joseph LANDRY, whom she married as a widow on 11 Jan 1745 (SGA-3, 30a), were in Oxford, MD with six other persons in household. By 1767 Joseph was no longer living, and Marie Josephe was a widow in New Orleans, with three unmarried daughters: Madeleine, Marguerite, and Gertrude (PPC Legajo 114).
Age au mariage |
Lui : ~ 44 ans et 1 mois - Elle : 33 ans et 7 mois. |
Notes |
- Parents: "Joseph Landry, age ca 44, residence in the parish of La Ste Famille (Antoine Landry and Marie Tibaudaux both decd.) m. 1-11-1745 Marie Joseph Bourg, widow, age ca 35, residence in St. Charles (Alexander Bourg, Notary, and decd. Margarite Melancon) wit. Pierre Doucet; Pierre Babin; Paul (+) Bourg; Jacques (+) Hebert; sig. Joseph Landry (s); Marie Joseph (+) Bourg (SGA-3, 30a-30b)
ID Famille |
F173 |
Feuille familiale | Tableau familial |
Famille 1 |
Elisabeth dite Isabel LEBLANC, n. 1751, Grand Pré NS d. 1 septembre 1777, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de 26 ans) |
Mariage |
18 avril 1775 |
Ascension Church, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana |
- Catholic Church Records, vol. 2, 1770-1803 - Diocese of Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge, LA, 1980, pp. 429 & 464
Joseph LANDRY, son of Joseph & Marie Josephe BOURG, Acadians, married on 18 Apr 1775 to Elisabeth LE BLANC, daughter of Desire & Marie Magdalene LANDRY, Acadians. Witnesses: Pierre LANDRY; Augustinus Bijo (Bujol). Josephus MELANZON Recorded at Ascension Catholic Church, Donaldsonville, LA (ASC-1, 130).
Age au mariage |
Lui : ~ 28 ans - Elle : ~ 24 ans. |
Recensement |
23 avril 1777 |
Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States |
Joseph LANDRY called Bel Homme, 24, 6 arpents, 4 slaves, 30 cattle, 2 horses, 8 sheep, 20 swine, 2 guns;
Izabel LANDRY [sic, LE BLANC], his wife, 24;
Louis LANDRY, his son, 1;
Widow LANDRY [Marie Josephe BOURG], his mother, 66.
Enfants |
| 1. Louis LANDRY, n. 112 Mai 1776 [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
ID Famille |
F6936 |
Feuille familiale | Tableau familial |
Dernière modif. |
5 août 2023 |
Famille 2 |
Anne BUJOL (BUGEAUD BIGEOS, BUJOLD), n. vers 1757, Oxford, Talbot, MD d. 27 nov 1816, Ascension, LA (Âgé de 59 ans) |
Mariage |
25 nov 1779 |
Donaldsonville, Ascension, LA |
- Marriage (with Joseph (Dit Bel Homme) LANDRY) - Donaldsonville, Ascension, LA
Sources: Catholic Church Records, vol. 2, 1770-1803 - Diocese of Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge, LA, 1980 - California State Library, Sutro - California State Library, Sutro - California State Library, Sutro - F377 B3C3 v.2 - pp. 167 & 429-430 Their first child was born about two months after the church ceremony. - Joseph LANDRY, widower of Ysabel LeBLANC (parents not given), married on 25 Nov 1779 to Anna BIJEAU, daughter of Joseph & Anna LeBLANC. Witnesses: Carlos LINCOUR; Jerome LeBLANC. Recorded (ASC-1, 138).
married, age 22, Joseph dit Belhomme, son of Joseph LANDRY & Marie-Josèphe BOURG of Minas, & widower of Élisabeth/Isabelle LEBLANC
25 November 1779 : Marriage (with Joseph (Dit Bel Homme) LANDRY) - Donaldsonville, Ascension, LA
Sources: Catholic Church Records, vol. 2, 1770-1803 - Diocese of Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge, LA, 1980 - California State Library, Sutro - California State Library, Sutro - California State Library, Sutro - F377 B3C3 v.2 - pp. 167 & 429-430 Their first child was born about two months after the church ceremony. - Joseph LANDRY, widower of Ysabel LeBLANC (parents not given), married on 25 Nov 1779 to Anna BIJEAU, daughter of Joseph & Anna LeBLANC. Witnesses: Carlos LINCOUR; Jerome LeBLANC. Recorded (ASC-1, 138).
Age au mariage |
Lui : ~ 32 ans et 11 mois - Elle : ~ 22 ans et 11 mois. |
Notes |
- Joseph LANDRY dit Bel Homme, b. 1752 in Acadia, d. 10/11/1814 in Donaldsonville, LA; m. (1) 4/18/1775 in Donaldsonville Elisabeth (Isabel) LEBLANC, d. 1777; m. (2) 11/25/1779 in Donaldsonville Anne BIGEAU (BUJOL, BUJEAU, BIJOT), b. 1758 in Oxford, MD, d. 11/27/1816. Children of Joseph and Anne:
. . . . 1. Marguerite Carmelita LANDRY, b. 1/23/1780 in LA, d. 5/4/1803 in LA.
. . . . 2. Celeste LANDRY, b. 12/27/1782 in LA.
. . . . 3. Achille Toussaint (Aristide) LANDRY, b. 11/1/1784 in LA, d. 11/17/1823 in Donaldsonville, LA; m. 8/25/1806 in LA Marie Modeste BREAU (BRAUD), b. 11/8/1790 in LA, d. 5/21/1863 in Donaldsonville; her 2nd m. to Trasimond (#9 below).
. . . . . 1. Joseph LANDRY, b. 7/5/1807 in LA.
. . . . . 2. Achille LANDRY, b. 2/13/1809 in LA.
. . . . . 3. François Amedée LANDRY, b. 11/30/1809 at Homeplace Plantation, Ascension Parish, LA, d. 5/2/1863 in Donaldsonville, LA; m. 8/11/1834 Marie Anne Emma LANDRY, his first cousin (#4.1 below). See Kennedy #1.4a.2 for descendants.
. . . . . 4. Marie Lise LANDRY, b. 2/14/1814 in Donaldsonville, d. 7/6/1828 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . . 5. Pierre Theodule LANDRY, b. 12/10/1814 in LA, d. 11/12/1872 in New Orleans.
. . . . . 6. Anne Aglae LANDRY, b. 12/29/1816 in Donaldsonville, d. 3/20/1832 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . . 7. Joseph Gustave LANDRY, b. 12/24/1818, d. 4/22/1873 in New Orleans.
. . . . . 8. Marie Arthemise LANDRY, b. 1/1/1821 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . . 9. Marie Josèphe LANDRY, b. 10/30/1822 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . 4. Joseph Narcisse LANDRY, b. 9/7/1786, d. 3/25/1870 in Donaldsonville; m. 9/6/1807 in Donaldsonville Henrietta BLANCHARD.
. . . . . 1. Marie Anne Emma LANDRY, b. 10/12/1812 in Donaldsonville, d. 5/21/1842 in LA; m. 8/11/1834 François Amedée LANDRY, her first cousin (#3.3 above). See Kennedy #1.4a.2 for descendants.
. . . . 5. Ursin LANDRY, b. c. 1787, d. c. 6/10/1831, bur. 6/11/1831 age 44 in Donaldsonville; m. 5/7/1810 Marie Clemence LEBLANC, b. 8/15/1790 in Donaldsonville, d. 10/6/1827 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . 6. Isidore Vakery LANDRY, b. 8/4/1790 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . 7. Melanie LANDRY, b. 11/1/1791 in LA, d. 6/28/1857 in Donaldsonville; m. Joseph C. POURSINE.
. . . . 8. Marie Arthemise LANDRY, b. 5/27/1794 in LA.
. . . . 9. Jean Trasimond LANDRY, Sr., b. 12/16/1795 in LA, d. 10/1/1873 in Donaldsonville; m. 8/11/1825 Marie Modeste BREAU (BRAUD), widow of Achille (#3 above).
. . . . . 1. Marie Henriette Lillias LANDRY, b. 8/30/1827 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . . 2. Marie Lisa LANDRY, b. 6/19/1829 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . . 3. Jean Trasimond LANDRY, Jr., b. 3/30/1831 in Donaldsonville, d. 11/30/1875.
. . . . . 4. Marie Aglae LANDRY, b. 4/8/1834 in Donaldsonville.
. . . . 10. Delphine LANDRY, b. 3/15/1799 in LA.
. . . . 11. Marguerite Jeanne LANDRY, b. 6/3/1804 in LA.
. . . 3. Madeleine LANDRY.
. . . 4. Marguerite LANDRY.
. . . 5. Anne Gertrude LANDRY.
Enfants |
| 1. Marguerite Carmelite LANDRY, n. vers 1779 ent. 5 mai 1803, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 24 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 2. Jeanne Carmela LANDRY, n. 23 jan 1780, Ascension, LA [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 3. Marie Celeste LANDRY, n. 5 mars 1781, Ascension, LA ent. 1782, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 0 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 4. Marie Celeste LANDRY, n. 27 déc 1782, Ascension, LA ent. 18 oct 1848, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 65 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 5. Achille Toussaint LANDRY, n. 1 nov 1784, Ascension, LA ent. 17 nov 1823, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 39 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 6. Philippe Ursin LANDRY, n. 25 mai 1788 ent. 11 juin 1831, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 43 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 7. Isidore Valery LANDRY, n. 4 avr 1790, Ascension, LA ent. 22 sept 1863, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 73 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 8. Melanie LANDRY, n. 1 nov 1791, Ascension, LA ent. 28 juin 1857, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 65 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 9. Marie Arthemise LANDRY, n. 27 mai 1794, Ascension, LA ent. 1863 (Âgé de ~ 68 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 10. Juan (Jean) Trasimond LANDRY, n. 16 déc 1795, Ascension, LA d. 1 oct 1873, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de 77 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 11. Marie Delphine LANDRY, n. 3 juil 1797, Ascension, LA ent. 1 oct 1798, Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States (Âgé de ~ 1 ans) [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 12. Marie Delphine LANDRY, n. 15 mars 1799, Ascension, LA [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
| 13. Margurite Jeanne LANDRY, n. 3 juin 1804, Ascension, LA [Père: géniteur / génitrice] [Mère: géniteur / génitrice] |
Pierres tombales |
 | Tombe d'Anne Bujold -1757-1816 et de Joseph dit bel homme Landry 1747-1814
1e MAI 1845.
Ascension of our Lord Catholic Church Cemetery
Donaldsonville, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, USA
ID Famille |
F177 |
Feuille familiale | Tableau familial |
Dernière modif. |
5 août 2023 |